Texans to Vote on Texas Water Fund Next Week

                                                               Media Contact: Haley Durbin, 713-476-1172, hdurbin@mwcllc.com 

November 1, 2023  

AUSTIN – On Tuesday, November 7, Texas voters will have the choice to approve or reject the creation of a new constitutionally protected fund for Texas water through Proposition 6. If approved, the Texas Legislature will deposit $1 billion into the fund for new water supply, infrastructure repair, and conservation.

The Texas Water Fund, contingent on voter approval of Proposition 6 on the upcoming ballot, is the result of the 88th Texas Legislature’s passage of Senate Bill 28 and its accompanying Senate Joint Resolution 75. This bipartisan effort responds to the need for more water supply, and investment in aging infrastructure.

“A broad range of water needs, including technical assistance, developing new supplies, repairing and replacing existing infrastructure, education, reducing water loss, and meeting rural community needs, could be addressed if Proposition 6 passes,” said Sarah Schlessinger, CEO of Texas Water Foundation.

If the Fund is approved, this investment would be the largest single state dollar investment in Texas water since voters approved $2 billion and the creation of the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) in 2013.


“Voter approval of Proposition 6 and the creation of the Texas Water Fund will not solve all of Texas’ water challenges,” said Schlessinger, “however, water professionals consider this to be a significant down payment towards improving water security in rural and urban areas.” 


If Proposition 6 is not approved, dollars will remain in the general revenue fund. 


To learn more about Proposition 6, read Texas Water Foundation’s educational memo here, or Texas Monthly article here.


Sarah Schlessinger